James Stewart & John Ellis Music bringing their Sting Tribute show to Die Koelkamers Teater in Paternoster on 19th July

James Stewart and John Ellis Explore The Music of Sting and The Police.

After  months of SOLD OUT SHOWS, James Stewart  and John Ellis Music  are thrilled to be bringing  their Sting Tribute show to Die Koelkamers Teater in Paternoster 

Date  is 19 July 2024 at  7pm

Book at www.diekoelkamers.com

Tickets from R138.00

This is an opportunity not to be missed!

James Stewart well known as the lead singer and performer with The Usual and John Ellis known for his time with Tree Sixty-Three, will be performing the best of Sting and The Polices chart-topping, sing along songs that you know and love so well.

A celebration of Stings songs as one of the greatest artists of all time.

The magical synergy between James on Keyboards and John on Guitar, has every show’s audience standing up in their seats dancing and always shouting for more.

Having managed James and the Usual over many years I thought be nice to do a Q and A catch up ..The Usual supported Indecent Obsession at the Good Hope Centre and well as Duran Duran back in the day

James and I chatted

What is your purpose? Add value. Have Fun

What does music mean to you? It’s a kind of magic

My music is about…connecting

What is your motto? As jy dom is moet jy kak.

Fame is about… nothing important really. Unless it’s used to contribute something of value.

Retirement will happen when… retirement, lol.

I don’t do… pretending

I would love to co-write with… you know who 

Where do you go for inspiration to create? There is inspiration everywhere from the stillness of nature to grubby, buzzing streets

What is the most enjoyable aspect of your work? Moments of connecting with people and becoming a part of their memories.

The song you must do during every show? The shape that I’m in by The Usual

Any funny moments on stage? Where do I start? Falling over backwards in front of 5000 people… knocking out 2 teeth…

My heroes are…everyday people doing extraordinary things. Nurses, teachers.

My style icon is…Sting

Which living person do you admire most and why? Celebrity culture is confusing. There are many people making valuable contributions. A friend of mine is teaching people how to grow their own food in a very dangerous part of the city – that’s a hero.

What is your most treasured possession? Memories

It’s your round; what are you drinking? A pint and a dram

Dream gig to do? How could Kirstenbosch gardens on a perfect Cape Town evening be topped?

What makes you stand out? Hopefully a few decades of always giving my best is starting to show.

Any nicknames? JAJ

If you were not a musician, what would you do? Something creative for sure. Re-imagining scraps and thoughts.

Pick five words to describe yourself? Loyal. Honest. Creative. Functionally lazy.

Five must have songs on your Spotify playlist please. This is too hard. Something by Beethoven. Something by Chopin. Something by The Police. Something by Bob Marley and something by early U2

Greatest Movie Ever Made? Dumb & dumber

What book are you reading? Becoming Supernatural by Dr Joe Dispenza

What song changed your life? Walking on the moon – The Police

Who do you love? Lauren, my boys – my family

What is your favorite Word? Ohm

Top of your bucket list? Uncrowded surf trip.

Your greatest achievement? I’m still working on it. So far? A happy 25 year marriage.

What do you complain about most often? There is precisely zero profit in complaining.

What is your biggest fear? The suffering of a family member.

Happiness is… peace, breath, sea, sun my favourite person.

On stage, I tend to… close my eyes

The best life lesson you have learned? Things change when the way you look at them changes.

What has been your favorite journey so far? The whole story so far has been magical. I have warm friendships and a family that loves me. I’ve tried to cock it up a few times and fortunately failed. A very lucky and happy man.

Do you do charity work, and if you do – what do you do? When asked I contribute to various charities. Most often animal care.

Wishes and dreams? A unified South Africa. Just imagine what we could achieve.

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