Siphokazi Jonas speaks at 2024 Spark Impact Bootcamp hosted by Sunshine Cinema

2024 Spark Impact Bootcamp in full swing with 20 new young South African media entrepreneurs and activists joining our solar cinema network, selected out of over 500 candidates, with the generous support of E Squared Investments FirstRand Foundation, Jobs Fund, Investec, National Lottery, Oppenheimer Memorial Trust and many more!

The first two days have focused on introducing the trainee impact facilitators to the program, with talks by our new Ops Manager Thaakirah Behardien with filmmaker Dylan Valley who screened his brilliant documentary Afrikaaps.

 Co founder Rowan Pybus and board members Hlubi Mboya-Arnold Vincent Manzini on building your entrepreneurial goals and vision, training on sponsored cameras and laptops, adventure nature outings with penguins.

 Tuesday  14th May closed off with  powerful storytelling evening focused on embodying the meaning of your name as a gift, led by the incredible Siphokazi Jonas with special Atlantic Fellows guests around the fire

Two more days to go led by our power Sunshine Cinema team hosted at Rocklands Centre in Murdoch Valley, Simonstown.


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